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Virginia Digital Emergency Network (VDEN)

September 26, 2023

Connecting via Vara Terminal using Vara FM / HF

Vara is a newer mode that is robust and fast, using scaling speeds with OFDM modulation.

Vara FM can use WIDE audio bandwidth signals for faster speeds, depending on hardware setup, and includes digipeating functionality similar to AX.25 Packet.

Vara offers an optional $69 license for the use of faster speeds and FM digipeating.

The Vara Terminal application uses either TNC to connect to a remote BBS to give keyboard terminal access.

Download Vara FM and HF TNCs and Vara Terminal:

Configure Vara FM TNC for sound card audio devices:

In Setup, apply license key, select NARROW vs WIDE, and number of retries.

In SoundCard, select audio input and output device, set the drive level, test tune PTT, and optionally auto-tune to the target station to find the best drive level for optimal S/N.

The Ping dialog is very useful to test connectivity and S/N to the target station.

Configure Vara HF TNC for sound card audio devices:

In Setup, apply license key, enable accept 500 Hz connections, and number of retries.

In SoundCard, select audio input and output device, set the drive level, and test tune PTT while watching radio ALC level. The PTT is configured in the application that uses the TNC.

The Vara Terminal application uses either TNC, with keyboard input at the bottom and remote station output in the larger text field on the top.

Configure Vara Terminal for callsign, mode, host/ports and if you want the TNC to be automatically launched.

FM mode will allow using up to two via digipeaters, with PTT configured in Vara Terminal.

HF mode requires selecting the session bandwidth, with PTT configured in the Vara HF TNC.

Click the plug icon to connect to the target station and begin using the keyboard terminal commands to read and send personal or bulletin mail.